So another one of my projects. I originally seen this drawing on an awesome artists Instagram site called Stephen Ward and so I decided to have ago myself. One of the biggest problems I face with drawing is portraiture. The reasonI chose this particular image was due to the fact that it is only half a face.
The portrait is of the original Batman, from the first movie, Michael Keaton. He played alongside Jack Nicholson as the joker and I have to be honest, both my favourite actors for these roles.
As far as the supplies are concerned, I used the awesome Strathmore Toned Tan sketch pad, A4 and my amazing Derwent Colour Soft colored pencils. The Derwent Colour Soft pencils work so well on the Strathmore Toned Tan paper, their soft and creamy texture is just the perfect balance for the paper and the allows the colors to remain rich and vibrant.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Final Stage