Derwent Studio Coloured Pencil Review

Of all my first reviews, I think I really gave the Derwent Studio pencil an unfair crack of the whip, I purchased a 24 set back then and so when it came to redoing the review, I only had one or two of the Derwent Studio Pencils remaining. I purchased a 72 Wooden Box Set of the Derwent Studio pencils for the purpose of this review and I am happy to say that I have indeed conducted a piece of art with the Studio pencils.

Daler Rowney Watercolour Pencils

The core of the Daler Rowney Watercolour Pencil measures in at a standard 3.8mm, encased within a well balanced 7.8mm barrel, lacquered in a most striking blue which leaves a matt appearance with the added bonus of occasionally exposing the natural wood grain . The Daler Rowney pencil feels really nice in the hand, well balanced and like you are holding a quality product.

Pencil Grinder For All Pastel and Colored Pencils

The Pencil Grinder is a really simple concept and design yet such a versatile tool and one I feel many pencil artists, especially pastel pencil artist. Although this item is called the Pencil Grinder, it has more than one function and I will brake down those functions further into the review.

Eberhard Faber Colored Pencil Review

One of the biggest joys I get from running The Art Gear Guide, writing reviews, creating YouTube video reviews and drawing art is the relationship I have developed with all of you. I love getting feedback and I love to hear when you purchase a set of pencils based on one of the reviews and it has turned out to be a good buy. But I also love it when you guys suggest to me products to review and this is one such product that I was asked to review.

Bruynzeel Design Aquarel | Water-soluble Colored Pencils

So as I have always been with you guys, you will see my brutal honesty when it comes to my reviews. I have had this 48 set of Bruynzeel Design Aquarel sat on my desk for over a year now busting a gut to review them. I tend to purchase sets for review when I see a good deal on Amazon and this is why sometimes I might have a set on my desk for so long before I actually get round to reviewing them.

Koh-I-Noor Polycolor 144 Set Review

As I mentioned, the Koh-I-Noor Polycolor 144 set is split into two tins, below you can see an image of the first tin 144/1 as is labeled on the front cover and blow that image is clear images of both trays. The first tin is made up primarily of the yellows, portrait colors, pinks, reds, purples and blues. All the way through the images I have provided you will see just how amazing the total palette is for the entire 144 set of Koh-I-Noor Polycolor.

Winsor And Newton Promarker and Brushmarker Review

The overall appearance of the Promarker is incredibly streamlined, the marker looks like a large bullet, however, this design aesthetic actually serves quite an important roll. At one end of the marker is the pointed cap and the other end sports the squareness off cap. This helps the artists immediately know when selecting a pigment that under the pointed cap, in the case of the Promarker, is the bullet nib and under the squad off cap is the chisel nib.

Clairefontaine Paint On Multi Techniques Pad

The Clairefontaine Paint On Multi Techniques pads come in quite a few different sizes, I was sent the A5, 5.8 x 8.3 inches, 14.8 x 21 cm, however I was really happy to discover that this pad comes in other sizes, most of which you are already familiar with, but I will explain my delight in discovering this further on in the review.

Bruynzeel Design Pastel Pencils

The Bruynzeel Pastel Pencil sports a bursting with pigment, 3.8mm creamy soft core, the core is protected with a beautiful Cedar Wood casing weighing in at an average 7.4mm. For me personally, I love the pencils that are predominately natural wood casings, exposing the beautiful grain of the wood, I guess it provides a natural aesthetic to it, occasionally reminding us of the pencils original life form.

Castle Art Supplies Coloured Pencil Review

The Castle Art pencil sports a striking 7mm Black Matt finish barrel, held safely within the barrel is an exciting 3.8mm core bursting with generous levels of pigment. On the end of every Castle Art pencil is a 1 and 1/4 inch pigment identifier, clearly making the pigment within that particular pencil, which also makes pigment selection visually a pleasure. Separating the Black Matt barrel and the pigment identifier is a painted silver ring.

Art-N-Fly Products Update

Quite a while ago I completed a review of the Art-N-Fly alcohol markers and the colored pencils that they make, however, I noticed that not long after the review that I got one or two things a bit confused. In relation to the actual markers and their quality, nothing at all has changed, it is more to do with the sets available than anything else.

Arteza Woodless Watercolor Pencil Review

Although the pencils are called woodless, they do have a very thin protective sheath covering the barrel, so essentially the pencil is all core or pigment for want of a better term. Unfortunately, due to this thin protective sheath covering the barrel, you are unable to use the side of the pencil, similarly to the way you would typically use a pastel block or cylinder.

Christmas List 2019

Throughout this list, there are some luxury items however I have tried to ensure that there are some really affordable yet desirable items. We all have different levels of disposable income and if anyone is aware of that it is me, so I am always conscious when compiling these Christmas lists that there needs to be affordable items present but they also need to be excellent quality and something your loved one is actually going to want.

Art Book List For Christmas

The other two lists are more product based, however over the past few years, I have purchased quite a few art books to help me refine my own artistic skills and to also better my knowledge for the sake of my reviews. All of the books in this list I have personally read myself and can 100% vouch for them and I have even reviewed one or two of them on The Art Gear Guide much more in-depth. So, let’s get on with the list and hopefully you will see a book in here that might appeal to your artistic thirst for knowledge.

Caran d'Ache Pencil Peeler : Pencil Sharpener

Essentially the Caran d’Ache Pencil Peeler is a horse shoe shaped, stainless steel product. The stainless steal part of the device is the handle and the means of actually holding the razor blade in place, thus allowing the artists to safely use it on any pencil like product.