Black Widow Skin Tone Colored Pencil Review

The first set of pencils Albert loaded onto us all was the Black Widow colored pencils, they came in a small cardboard box and looking at each iteration of pencils since the beginning, it is clear to see the development of both pencil and packaging. Next came the Scorpion colored pencils and the Black Widow found their new tin packaging. After the Scorpion came the Cobra, another beautiful set of pencil,

Caran d'Ache Sharpener Review

So I decided, especially given the price of this item, that I had to purchase one for review purposes, I felt it was very important to show all viewers and subscribers of The Art Gear Guide the features of the sharpener and try to determine if it is worth the large expense,

Mitsubishi Uni Colored Pencil Review

It is without a doubt, such a shame that pencils from Japan are not more readily available here in the UK, US or Europe. Given the explosive growth of colored pencil sales, colored pencil artists, adult coloring book artists and artistic crafters, I really think these companies would do well. almost every Japanese pencil

Caran d'Ache Pastel Pencil Review

So in this review I will take a look at the Caran d’Ache Pastel pencil and as always, I have full real time demonstration of the pencils in my YouTube video review as well as a speed painting video of my first ever pastel landscape art. If speed videos are not your thing,

White Nights Watercolour Pencils

For those of you familiar with the White Nights brand, perhaps the most talked about feature from the company is that their paints are still manufactured in Russia, but the White Night watercolour pencils were not, remember this as I will be referring back to it further into the review.

Van Gogh Coloured Pencils By Royal Talens

As I briefly alluded to at the beginning of this review, I had my own expectations of how the Van Gogh pencil was going to perform and monumentally got it wrong. After a very short while of testing and using the pencils, they were slowly slipping into my favourite pencil selection.

Christmas Gift Ideas For The Artist In Your Life

It’s that time of year and trying to find the perfect gift for the loved one, friend or family member can be challenging at the best of times, never mind if they are artists. So, in true Art Gear Guide Style, always trying to help out, I have compiled a list of affordable, yet highly desirable girts for the artist in your life. Check out this article for some cracking ideas to help make your Christmas or Holidays be a memorable one.

Tombow 1500 Colored Pencil Review

The layering ability of the pencil is really impressive, I tried this on various different paper types and the paper I found to display the best outcomes was the Strathmore 500 Series Bristol Plate and the Canson 140lb Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper.

Koh-I-Noor Pastel Pencils

think it is a secret that I absolutely love this company and the art supplies they provide. A question I am asked quite often is, “What are the best quality colored pencils that are relatively inexpensive?

The Art Gear Guide Announcement

I have been just waiting for the right time to make this announcement and I feel now is that time. I would like to say however, in making this announcement I am in no way wishing to upset of offend anyone whatsoever and as you read further into this article, it will all become clear.

Watercolor Brush Pen 20 Set

The Watercolor Brush Pens release a good quality water soluble ink which is bright and vibrant. When the pigment is activated with water, the ink can be pulled out quite far, creating an beautiful gradient as I have shown below.

Conte à Paris Sketch Set

Next are the three pastel pencils, the white, sanguine and sepia, these three colors are very popular in sketching sets. All three colors are perfect for lose sketches, nudes and landscapes. As pastel pencils the pigments are incredibly strong and the lay down pigment is smooth and consistent

Caran d'Ache Museum Aquarelle 76 Box Set

Whether you buy the Museum Aquarelle Box Set or the cardboard box that Caran Dache now sell their top line art supplies in, either way this is a luxury item, a top quality set of pencils and they are both going to cost a lot of money.

Derwent Carry All A4 Folio

We all know how good Derwent are at providing that all round shopping experience for artists, head to their online store or their Museum in house shop and you can pretty much get all that you will need to produce first class art or just have a fun filled weekend with the kids crafting and getting stuck into art projects.

Art-n-Fly Colored Pencils

As I mentioned, the Art-n-Fly colored pencils are oil based, they layer incredibly well and very smooth indeed, gliding across the paper like butter. Aiding the pencil in performing so well is the core ability to maintain a fine point for a relatively long period of time