Prismacolor Verithin Colored Pencil Review

There is really no two ways about it, Prismacolor is a mammoth name within the world of colored pencil artists. For many colored pencil artists around the world, but primarily in America and particularly in the 70's, 80's and 90's, Prismacolor were thee pencil of choice for the colored pencil artist. That unmistakably creamy smooth texture of the Prismacolor Premier pencil, was the magic wand belonging to the artist which aided almost every colored pencil MasterPiece.

Caran D'Ache Neocolor II Review

There is no doubt about it, Caran D'Ache products are expensive, however, never has the phrase "You get what you pay for" been more suited and appropriate for any product. As usual, I have checked the various Amazon sites to give a general idea of pricing, however I am sure if you shop about you may find a cheaper alternative.

Prismacolor Col-Erase

Whether you love or hate Prismacolor as a company or their products, there is absolutely no denying that they are a massive hitter in the colored pencil community, especially in America. I've heard many artists talk fondly of Prismacolor Premier colored pencils, remembering them from their youth, perhaps even recalling their parents using Prismacolor. 

Caran D'Ache Pablo Review

Before I begin with my review of the Caran D'Ache Pablo colored pencil, I'd just like to say how honoured and privileged I am on becoming the new review columnist for "COLORED PENCIL Magazine". I'd like to say a huge thank you to Sally Robertson, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine for taking me under her wing and helping guide me along this new adventure and also to Sally's husband for his help.

Colored Pencil Magazine Jan 2017

It is finally here, my big surprise for 2017, I have been given the most wonderful opportunity by the Editor in Chief of the finest art magazine on the market in my opinion, COLORED PENCIL Magazine; I am the new Review Columnist.

Faber Castell Polychromos

I wasn't going to do a review of the Faber Castell Polychromos, I simply thought, naively, that everything there was to say about these amazing pencils, had already been said by other artists or reviewers. However, I have been receiving a significant number of requests, one such requester has been leaving requests for me to review the polychromos on all my social networking platforms. However, I discovered this wonderful person is seeking a set for Christmas and is hoping the review will nudge Santa in the right direction. 

Spectrum Noir ColourBlend

As always, before reading this review, if you haven't already done so, you can check out my YouTube video review of the Spectrum Noir ColourBlend pencils. I have found over the time of reviewing art supplies that some people prefer video reviews, seeing the products work in real time, whereas others prefer to read the detailed account of a product. So I offer both accounts and let you chose which or both reviews to help you decide. 

Marco Renoir Colored Pencil Review

I must begin with a heart felt apology to all of those wonderful people who have been requesting this review for the past few months as I am only now getting round to completing the review. Of all the big name colored pencil brands on the market, I think this particular pencil has been the most requested for the "Coloured Pencil Reviews" scrutiny. 

Lyra Polycolor

When I was asked by a viewer of my YouTube channel to review the Lyra Polycolor, I was secretly excited. Of course I knew about the Lyra, well... of their existence, but I had never really considered them as an addition to my already growing collection of fine coloured pencil, so this was an excuse to get them, however, I have since discovered this was an incredibly snooty outlook. This is my review of the Lyra Polycolor Colored Pencils.

Derwent Artists Coloured Pencil Review

To find out more about Derwent as a company, you can click on the links and either read my own personal review on the company or check out Derwent's own web site. In this post I am going to review the first ever coloured pencil set that I purchased for myself. At the time, I only really knew about Prismacolour, due to the fact I had been watching so many videos on YouTube about drawing, the vast majority of which were American artists.

Iron Maiden Book Of Souls Eddie

Ordinarily when I draw something new, I simply add it to my gallery and write a small blurb underneath it, however, for the first time, I am actually really pleased with the way this drawing has turned out, and so have added it to my blog.

Derwent Coloursoft

This review centres around the beautiful Derwent Coloursoft coloured pencil, however, before we jump right into the review of the actual pencil, lets talk a little bit about the company. I think it is important to know a little bit of the background surrounding the pencils, we all come from somewhere and the same is true of our favourite products. 

Derwent Artists Black And White

As you may or may not be aware, I have just returned from my holidays in the beautiful Lake District. We don't live too far from the Lakes and we have been going there on holiday for the past 15 years. We normally stay in a little town called Keswick and Keswick just happens to also be the home of one of my favourite coloured pencil manufactures, Derwent. Their world famous pencil museum is located in Keswick along with a shop where you can purchase anything you desire from their extensive range.

Derwent Studio Colored Pencils

I've got to say, when looking about the internet; apart from the obvious places, i.e. the Derwent web site, there is not a lot of reviews or information about the Derwent Studio colored pencils, so I had to purchase them and put them through their paces. I will say this, my mind changed a few times about these pencils whilst reviewing them and actually using them. However, I am sure you are happy to learn that I have finally concluded a decision, a decision I will explain to you in this review. 

Derwent Graphitint

My review today focuses on the popular Derwent Graphitint range, the range is relatively small in numbers, however the colours are to die for and unsurpassed by many other watersoluable pencils on the market; but are they worth the investment? are you likely to use them on a painting and are they a quality product? lets find out.