All tagged Koh-I-Noor Colored Pencils

Top 5 Artist Quality Colored Pencils

For me the pencils in my Top 5 Artist Quality Colored Pencils list were really difficult to put in order. The only pencil that I was certain about was 1st place, but let’s get into my all time favourite top 5 artist quality colored pencils. After going through the list, let me know if you agree with my list or if you would put them in different order or perhaps you may even have a completely different top 5 artist quality list, leave your list in the comment section, I’d love to know.

Luxury Art Christmas List 2019

This year however I have done it a little bit different, I have completed two lists, a realistic affordable list and a Luxury Art Christmas list. Lets face it, not everyone is as penniless as me and so as Christmas is a time for extravagance and one off indulgences, I thought that a luxury Christmas list was a good idea; so here goes.

Koh-I-Noor Woodless Pencils

The Koh-I-Noor Woodless colored pencil is a generous 7.3mm diameter of pure pigment, no wood barrel eating into precious space for additional pigment. I have received many emails and messages asking for these wonderful pencils to be reviewed, however, before actually getting them in my hand, I must admit, i thought they would have a waxy residue to the touch, but this is absolutely not the case.