All tagged Faber Castell

My Top 5 Watercolour Pencils

I really enjoy doing these top 5 lists, it gives me the opportunity to look through all my notes and previous reviews, which inevitably reminds me of pencils I reviewed and forgot about over time. Over the years I have reviewed a lot of art supplies and unfortunately, once I complete a review, I am always looking to move onto the next one.

Faber Castell Black Edition Vs Faber Castell Classic Red Colored Pencils.

As soon as I started the testing process of the Faber Castell Black Edition, I thought that a comparison video against the Faber Castell Classic Red set would be beneficial as both sets are aimed at similar artist groups. I wanted to test both pencils and see how they compare against each other and hopefully this will be an interesting and helpful video for those looking to purchase either of the sets.

Faber Castell Pitt Graphite Matt Pencils Review | Faber Castell Graphite Pencils

In this review we take a look at a brand new product from Faber Castell, the Faber Castell Pitt Graphite Matt Pencils. Faber Castell produce some of the finest graphite pencils in the world, their graphite is smooth and provides consistent coverage. However there is one issue that plagues all graphite artists and in turn all graphite manufactures, with this product, Faber Castell feel they have eradicated such an issue.

Faber Castell Black Edition Super Soft Colored Pencils.

I was incredibly intrigued about the pencils which I now know to have been the Faber Castell Black Edition, but as I have mentioned, at the time when I first was made aware of them, there really wasn’t a lot of information about them, at least in the UK. Initially I thought that the Faber Castell Gold Faber were the same pencils only released for the US, UK and European Community, but this was obviously not the case.

Eberhard Faber Colored Pencil Review

One of the biggest joys I get from running The Art Gear Guide, writing reviews, creating YouTube video reviews and drawing art is the relationship I have developed with all of you. I love getting feedback and I love to hear when you purchase a set of pencils based on one of the reviews and it has turned out to be a good buy. But I also love it when you guys suggest to me products to review and this is one such product that I was asked to review.

Christmas List 2019

Throughout this list, there are some luxury items however I have tried to ensure that there are some really affordable yet desirable items. We all have different levels of disposable income and if anyone is aware of that it is me, so I am always conscious when compiling these Christmas lists that there needs to be affordable items present but they also need to be excellent quality and something your loved one is actually going to want.

Luxury Art Christmas List 2019

This year however I have done it a little bit different, I have completed two lists, a realistic affordable list and a Luxury Art Christmas list. Lets face it, not everyone is as penniless as me and so as Christmas is a time for extravagance and one off indulgences, I thought that a luxury Christmas list was a good idea; so here goes.

Faber Castell Classic Colour

When I first looked at the wood barrel close to the core, it appeared choppy, tattered and bad quality, initially I thought sharpening was going to be an issue, however this was absolutely not the case. Once the pencil was sharpened that choppy tattered appearance disappeared. I think the quality of the wood is obviously lower than that used in the Polychromos range, however, that absolutely does not affect anything about this pencil be it sharpening or use.  

Faber Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils

In this review I will be looking at Faber Castell's beautiful Pitt Pastel pencils. I personally love using Pastels, however, it is definitely a medium I need to really work hard with and improve my skills on as my art would suggest. So in this review I will be focusing in on all the characteristics of the medium and performance abilities

Faber Castell Goldfaber

We all know what amazing products Faber Castell produce and the Goldfaber coloured pencils are absolutely no exception. So I will show my hand right from the get go and tell you that I have loved using the Goldfaber pencils, my only criticism is the set sizes and to be honest, it is more of a compliment rather than a criticism. 

The Best White Colored Pencil

Colored pencil artists, pastel artist and perhaps many other types of artists, are always on the lookout for the best, most opaque, white colored pencil, pastel pencil or whatever medium you are using. It seems, that everyone is seeking for the Holly-Grail of white opaque application, especially for colored pencil artists given the method of layering etc

Faber Castell Albrecht Dürer Watercolor Pencils

Watercolor pencils have become an incredibly popular medium, allowing for all the beauty and movement of conventional watercolor paints, while allowing for the all the detailed precision and portability of a pencil. Given the wonderful advantages of combining watercolor paint and the humble pencil, it is hardly surprising that watercolor pencils have become a very popular medium.

Faber Castell Polychromos

I wasn't going to do a review of the Faber Castell Polychromos, I simply thought, naively, that everything there was to say about these amazing pencils, had already been said by other artists or reviewers. However, I have been receiving a significant number of requests, one such requester has been leaving requests for me to review the polychromos on all my social networking platforms. However, I discovered this wonderful person is seeking a set for Christmas and is hoping the review will nudge Santa in the right direction.