Arrtx 126 Set Of Colored Pencils A Visual Guide Of The Extra 54 Colors
Arrtx 126 Set Of Colored Pencils A Visual Guide Of The Extra 54 Colors.
Not that long ago Arrtx released a 72 set of colored pencils and after mostly positive reviews and feedback from colored pencil artists, Arrtx spoils us with an additional 54 colors to the line, making this the Arrtx 126 set of colored pencils.
If you would like to know all the technical details about the Arrtx colored pencils, the core size, if the core is hard or soft, pigment names etc, you can follow the link to my original review. This post however is more about showing you exactly how many new colors Arrtx have added, the type of colors and if any of the colors will have value to your artwork.
The First 72 Set Arrtx Produced
With the 72 set that Arrtx first released, the set had a nice selection of colors, but in my opinion there were not nearly enough darks from any color family. There was a few other things, not so much wrong with the set, but perhaps lacking.
One other thing that didn’t sit well with me about the initial 72 set was the storage/packaging that it came in. The pencils were set in a foam base but the pencils were not set in individual slots, rather they all rested in a trench which was problematic every time a pencil was removed to be used.
72 Set Foam Inlay
As you can see from the image above, Arrtx have rectified this problem and whilst the base for the pencils to rest in are not completely individual slots, the new system is better. If the slots in the form were simply individual slots for the pencils, every time a pencil was replaced, removing pencils would be difficult due to the fit being too tight. As you can see Arrtx have created the perfect system preventing the pencils falling when others around them are removed, yet ensuring the individual pencils ease when removed due to the foam cut system.
I know this may seem like a trivial issue, but as most who used the old 72 set can a test to, the foam inlay was problematic when removing and replacing pencils to the point of frustration. This new package system is much more practical and more importantly, it works.
Full 126 Swatch
Before I show you the new colors introduced to the Arrtx line individually, I want to show you the full 126 set. This isn’t going to be a very long or comprehensive post, for that you can follow the links to the original post detailing the Arrtx Colored Pencils either the written or YouTube review; this is simply showcasing the additional colors and by watching the YouTube review I show in detail, exactly what I think Arrtx have done with this new 126 set and just how much they have listened to past feed back.
Full 126 Set of Colored Pencils Swatch.
Additional 54 Colors Inside The New 126 Set Of Arrtx Colored Pencils.
As I mentioned earlier, my biggest issue with the palette from the 72 set was the lack of dark tones from the various color families, however with this additional range of 54 colors, Arrtx have most certainly appeared to listen to other reviewers and feed back from colored pencil artist.
You will have to please excuse the mistakes I made whilst creating this swatch, the two black blocks are my lapse in concentration due to being under the weather with Flu. Simply put I wasn’t paying attention, I was drifting in and out of sleep while creating the swatch and I apologise as the end result looks a mess.
I have included swatches of the original 72 swatch and the new additional 54 colors, the new 54 count is the swatch with the mistakes made in the form of the two black blocked in mistakes. You can select either of the images above by clicking on them and they will enlarge allowing you to see them in closer detail.
If we look at the yellows in the original 72 swatch, there are very little dark yellows in this selection and the colors present are very similar. In the original review I mentioned that they could have changed the tone of a few yellows. I was really pleased to see that in the additional 54 colors there were only three yellows and all of those are darker in tone.
Next up is the Blues and in the original 72 swatch, the blues provided were nice and reasonably balanced, but I really wanted a few lighter and darker tones in this family. As you can clearly see in the new 54 colors, again Arrtx have provided a gorgeous selection of blues.
the Pastel Blue gives us a beautiful pale tone, the Deep Sky Blue and Cobalt Teal Blue are really beautiful colors, the Deep Sky Blue looks like an electric blue once on the paper. I also like the Prussian Blue and French Ultramarine as they add dark value to the blue family.
The reds in the original 72 swatch were very much like the blues in so much as they were a nice selection of reds, however for me they really lacked a real punchy red. The reds in the original 72 swatch are more along the pink and orange reds, however if you look at the new swatch you can see the reds that have been introduced.
For me personally the Scarlet Red and Chilli Pepper reds are just gorgeous, as is the Perylene Violet Red, all of the mentioned reds are excellent for those colored pencil artists who enjoy fan art or botanical art. Although the original selection of reds was not terrible, the additional reds are welcomed.
Magenta and Lilacs
In the original 72 swatch, colors from this range were fine, not a lot wrong with the original colors at all, but the additional colors provided are gorgeous. In my opinion the Aubergine, Quinacridone Violet and Cobalt Violet are just colors to die for. I have to say I am not a huge fan of colors from this range, but I really fell in love with these additional colors.
I always look to the greens when I open a new set of colored pencils because I love to try botanical art when I can and as with the reds and lilacs, there was not a lot wrong with the greens provided in the original 72 swatch. The colors themselves were nice but the greens just lacked value, there was a lot of light, bright greens but not a lot of dark or pale.
In this new 54 selection of colors, they really have impressed me with the greens. The Pastel Green is beautiful, but my favourite has to be the Oxide Green, Fern Green, Old Gold and Antique Brass. I know the last two are not technically what you would look at and see green, but for autumn scenes these colors are perfect.
The narcissistic side of me however, would like to think, or believes, that someone, somewhere in Arrtx has said, ”Why not add a green and call it Army Green because of that arse Harry who does the reviews, because he loved being in the Army?”. Hay Presto Army Green was added and although this is total and utter nonsense, it is the fantasy that I am living in.
Earth Tones
Finally the Earth Tones in the original 72 count were individually nice colors, but again there just lacked a few more darker tones. However as you can see from the images provided Arrtx have added some gorgeous colors in this range, my favourite being the Mars Brown and Dark Salmon.
Arrtx 126 Set Colored Pencils Pricing
Here in the UK the new 126 set of Arrtx Colored Pencils will cost you approximately £62.99. For artist in the US the 126 set of Colored Pencils will cost approximately $55.99 and for artists in Europe you can expect to pay approximately €69.99 for the 126 Set of Arrtx Colored Pencils.
Conclusion For Arrtx 126 Set Of Colored Pencils
The pencils are exactly the same, this is just an additional count of colors being added to the original 72 set of Arrtx Colored Pencils. They are a really nice pencil for colored pencil artists and adult colouring book artists to use, however, with the count now reaching 126 colors, this no adds a different dimension to the pencils.
I am not suggesting for a second that using the Arrtx 126 Set of Colored Pencils will provide you with the same artistic results as using a set of pencils from some of the bigger names in the colored pencil world. But I am saying that the Arrtx Colored Pencil is a good solid pencil that will help you achieve gorgeous artwork.
Now that the count is 126 this makes life easier for colored pencil artists, adult colouring book artist, crafters and hobbyists alike. Of course it is up to you as an individual to look at the price for the 126 set and weigh up if you can get a better all round set of pencils for the same price.
Check out my YouTube video showcasing the 126 count of Arrtx Colored Pencils as I hope this will help you understand from my perspective as to why I think the new 54 colors are well selected. I also highlight what I think Arrtx have done differently and listened to feedback from you guys in order to bring this new set of pencils to us all.